☕️ Complimentary Coffee Hour
After Sunday Masses on SEPTEMBER 29
We will be serving:
coffee, tea, juice, donuts, bagels and muffins!
Please join us.
Vigil Mass ~ Saturday, 4:00PM
Sunday Mass ~ 8:30AM and 10:30AM
Daily Mass ~ Mon-Tue & Thur-Fri ~ 8:30AM
Monday from 9:00AM to 9:30AM
Saturday: 3:00pm or by appointment
Welcome, Visitors
For those who are visitors to St. John Fisher Church, we welcome you to our church and our parish family
30 Jones Hollow Road,
Marlborough, Connecticut 06447-1141
Pastor, Fr. Alvin J. LeBlanc
(860) 295-0067
Deacon William Gilles
(860) 805-5826
Senior Deacon John W. McKaig
(860) 942-7961
Parish Secretary, Heather Mancini
(860) 295-0001
Coordinators of Faith Formation.
Cindy Bryan
Family Faith Formation
Grade K,1,3,4,5 & 6
Helena Thomas
Sacramental Preparation
Grade 2, 9 & 10 Confirmation
Deacon Bill Gilles
Grade 7 & 8
Director of Music Ministry
Janice Reska
Youth Ministry
Helena Thomas
Monday-Thursday, 8:30am to 1:30pm
(Best to call first)
Baptism and/or Confirmation
Godparent/Sponsor Affirmation
Sponsor Certificates, Marriages & Baptisms
Click link to see details in article below
The Hospital Doesn't Tell Us You're There!
Click link to see details in article below
After Sunday Masses on SEPTEMBER 29
We will be serving:
coffee, tea, juice, donuts, bagels and muffins!
Please join us.
The church community garden is up and running at full speed. We are harvesting weekly and donating to the Marlborough Food Bank. All are welcome to come and join in on Monday evenings at 5:00 pm. No gardening experience is necessary, just enthusiasm to help others.
Also, if you have any extra produce from home, please place in a bag or box and leave in the garden area on Sunday or Monday. Thank you!
The National Eucharistic Congress was recently held in Indianapolis with over 50,000 people attending from all around the world. I personally invite you to pray with our brothers and sisters in our love for our Lord Jesus Christ in the HOLY EUCHARIST.
COME, HOLY SPIRIT The Eucharistic Congress is a movement for the whole Church in the United States to be united in prayer. Tens of thousands of Catholics gathered for this historic event. Although everyone was not able to participate in person, there is still the opportunity to experience the Congress by clicking:
https://ondemand.ewtn.com/free/Home/Series/ondemand/video/en/ national-eucharistic-congress
In gratitude, take five or ten minutes even an hour to let the Lord speak to you through those He has chosen!
Remember always, Jesus loves you and so do I, Deacon John
Carlos Pina, Grand Knight
Subby Magro, Deputy Grand Knight
Andy Zigmund, Warden
Mike Schadtle, District Deputy
FOR the Fish!!!!!! The St. John Fisher Knights of Columbus Council 15734 is sponsoring our 11th annual Golf Classic fundraiser on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at Blackledge Country Club in Hebron, CT.
We appeal to all parishioners of St. John Fisher and all those in the community to consider taking advantage of the many opportunities there are to support us. Your Knights of Columbus have responded in many ways to the needs of our parish, our community and individuals within the community and beyond. Your Knights’ Council has been recognized for its efforts and successes, receiving 4 consecutive service awards (2021 thru 2024) from Knights of Columbus International.
See our information Flyer HERE. Golf, enjoy lunch, participate in some contests, try for a raffle prize and enjoy dinner. It’s always a great time.
To register as a GOLFER or golfer group, SPONSOR, CASH PATRON or to donate a RAFFLE prize, scan the QR Code or copy and paste the URL address. Take a look. It’s easy to register online. All the event details are on the Flyer and on our registration website. You can also contact Jim Castellani, 2024 KofC Golf Chairman at
Again, your Knights need your support to help us to continue to help local individuals, families, and other groups in need, as well as to support our parish and its ministries.
Please consider participating. We appreciate your support. “Thank you!”
Birthright is an emergency pregnancy service offering free pregnancy testing, friendship and practical support. Our guiding principle: It is the RIGHT of every pregnant women to give BIRTH and the RIGHT of every child to be BORN. Birthright volunteers have served in Connecticut since 1972. Thousands of expectant mothers have received the help they need to bring their babies into the world! There are seven Birthright chapters in our state. Please call 1-800-550-4900 for the birthright nearest you. Training is provided. Thank you.
Birthright thanks you for a great response to the Baby Bottle Fundraiser! Birthright has served pregnant women in crisis in the Hartford area since 1972. Thousands of expectant mothers have received the help they need to bring their babies into the world! We are very grateful for your support.
It makes this lifesaving work possible. Birthright is staffed by volunteers who offer friendship and care. In 2022, four out of ten callers were considering abortion. Of those who were pregnant whom we worked with, eight in ten gave birth to their children.
How much do you know about our parish's patron saint?
Saint John Fisher, the patron of our parish, was martyred on June 22, 1535 by order of his former pupil King Henry VIII. He was the chancelor of Cambridge University and Bishop of Rochester from 1504 until his death. His friend, St Thomas More, whose feast day is also June 22, wrote of Fisher, "I reckon in this realm no one man, in wisdom, learning, and long approved virtue together, meet to be matched and comparted with him."
Clearly, Bishop John Fisher was a man of great intellect and a talented preacher, writer, and theologian. His sermons on the penitential psalms ( Psalms 6; 32; 38; 51; 102; 130; and 143.) were reprinted seven times before his death. With the coming of Lutheranism, he was drawn into controversy. His eight books against heresy gave him a leading position among European theologians.
Both Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More gave up their lives in testimony to the unity of the Church and to the indissolubility of Marriage.
June 9, 2024
Thank you to everyone who came to my prayer garden blessing and has taken the time to appreciate it. To see this idea come full circle is truly wonderful. I am grateful to be surrounded by a great community that has supported me throughout this process. I hope everyone loves this garden as much as I do.
Sincerely, Hudson Visco
In a significant development for the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has recognized a second miracle attributed to the intercession of Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager who passed away in 2006. Acutis, a gamer and computer programmer with a deep love for the Eucharist, is on the verge of becoming the Catholic Church’s first millennial saint.
A Modern Saint in the Making
Carlo Acutis was born on May 3, 1991, in London, before moving with his parents to Milan, Italy. His life, though short, was marked by an extraordinary devotion to his faith and a profound love for God. Diagnosed with leukemia as a teenager, Carlo offered his sufferings for Pope Benedict XVI and the Church, stating, “I offer all of my suffering to the Lord for the pope and for the Church in order not to go to purgatory but to go straight to heaven.” His profound spirituality was evident even as a child, when he enjoyed praying the rosary and attending Mass as often as possible after his first Communion.
Read more: Pope Francis Recognizes Second Miracle, Paving the Way for Carlo Acutis' Canonization
We will be hosting a blood drive in our church hall on Saturday, October 26. Donors need to be 16 years or older. Please mark your calendar and stay tuned for further information. Volunteers will be needed to help manage and host this event.
🍞Marlborough Food Bank
We are a beacon of God’s gracious and merciful love as we glorify His name through service to others; devotion to His teachings and His Son Jesus; and by maintaining a welcoming, accepting and embracing Catholic community of faith that judges none, embraces and protects the vulnerable, builds community of all ages and life stages and acts for the greater Glory of God.
We provide an open, welcoming and active Catholic faith community that is inspired by the gifts of the Holy Spirit as we demonstrate our faith by (1) actively participating in Mass and the Sacraments, (2) by serving and ministering to others, (3) by exploring and sharing the Word and teachings of Jesus and (4) by openly embracing the various needs of our entire parish family and broader community in Christ.
Our Online Giving system now is also an App for Apple and Android products! You can download it for free in the App Store, Google Play Store or CLICK HERE. If you are new to Online Giving, register by entering our church ID of 1239.
Faith Vos Winkel, MSW
Victim Assistance Coordinator