We need your help to make this Blood drive a success! The American Red Cross needs a minimum of 24 donors and our goal is to register 40 donors. Below you will find the information to sign up.
- You may sign up even if you have NEVER donated before - we need you!
- Young women and men who are 16 years old - MAY GIVE BLOOD with a permission slip attached and must bring a legal picture ID. Ask and we will email you a permission slip
- SIGN UP - NEW DONORS please include your telephone number and email when you sign up.
Direct link to St. John Fisher Church Scheduled Blood Drive:
https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor= - then COMPLETE the Rapid Pass.
There will be a sign up sheet at both entrances of the church beginning of October for volunteer helpers and bakers.
If you want emails of the direct links or permission slip, please contact Donna at 860-463-1120.