St. John Fisher Roman Catholic Church

30 Jones Hollow Road, Marlborough, Ct 06447

Vigil Mass ~ Saturday, 4:00PM

Sunday Mass ~ 8:30AM and 10:30AM

Father Alvin LeBlanc



Mass Schedule

Vigil Mass ~ Saturday, 4:00PM
Sunday Mass ~ 8:30AM and 10:30AM
Daily Mass ~ Mon-Tue & Thur-Fri ~ 8:30AM

Monday from 9:00AM to 9:30AM

Saturday: 3:00pm or by appointment

Welcome, Visitors
For those who are visitors to St. John Fisher Church, we welcome you to our church and our parish family

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Saturday, March 22

Sign up online at or call 1800 REDCROSS. Lent is a season of fasting, prayer and giving. First time donors are welcome, age 16 (with permission slip) and up. Questions contact Donna Swan via the Parish Office or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In February there will be sign up sheets for volunteers needed to bake treats, assist with set up and take down and serving snacks.

Church Welcome

30 Jones Hollow Road, 
Marlborough, Connecticut 06447-1141
Pastor, Fr. Alvin J. LeBlanc
   (860) 295-0067
Deacon William Gilles
   (860) 805-5826
Senior Deacon John W. McKaig
   (860) 942-7961
Parish Secretary, Heather Mancini
   (860) 295-0001
Coordinators of Faith Formation. 
  Cindy Bryan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
        Family Faith Formation
        Grade K,1,3,4,5 & 6
  Helena Thomas This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
        Sacramental Preparation
        Grade 2, 9 & 10 Confirmation
  Deacon Bill Gilles
        Grade 7 & 8
Director of Music Ministry
  Janice Reska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Youth Ministry
  Helena Thomas This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Parish Hours

Monday-Thursday, 8:30am to 1:30pm
(Best to call first)

Archdiocese of Hartford LogoARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD

Baptism and/or Confirmation
Godparent/Sponsor Affirmation

Sponsor Certificates, Marriages & Baptisms
Click link to see details in article below

The Hospital Doesn't Tell Us You're There! 
Click link to see details in article below 

 Bulletin Announcement Deadline
Anyone who would like anything put into the bulletin must have it emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than Friday of the prior week.

Download Our Most Current Parish Calendar

Click to download the February 2025 calendar

SJF February 2025 Calendar

  • Knight of Columbus, Council 15734

    The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic, Family, Fraternal, Service organization. Click Here

  • Woman's Prayer Group

    Meet the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM Click Here

  • Men's Prayer Group

    Regular Monthly Gatherings  1st Thursday 7:00PM -8:00PM 3rd Saturday 7:00AM -8:00AM Click Here

  • O.C.I.A. (The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)

    James Castellani Click Here

  • St. John Fisher Lending Library

    Building Our Faith, One Page at a Time Click Here

  • St. John Fisher Church Choir

    St Augustine once said “He who sings prays twice.” Click Here

Snowflake01SNOW/WEATHER CANCELLATION: When Marlborough Public School is cancelled or delayed due to inclement weather, there will be no morning Mass that day. Any weekday or weekend cancellations will be listed on WFSB channel 3 and NBC channel 30.


Sunday, February 23

St. John Fisher Social Activities Committee invites you to join us for complimentary
coffee and donuts after Sunday Masses on February 23.
Serving: Coffee, tea, juice, donuts & bagels. Please Join us.

Christian Outreach Ministry

At Saint John Fisher Roman Catholic Church, our commitment to Christian outreach is manifested through a variety of programs and initiatives that aim to support and uplift our community. Here's an overview of our recent and ongoing outreach efforts:

Drive-Thru Café

In March, Saint John Fisher hosted a monthly Sunday meal for patrons of the Marlborough Food Bank, distributed at the Congregational Church. Managed by Melissa Jordan, this initiative is part of our Drive-Thru Café, where we provide meals for three months each year. Our next and final meal for 2024 is scheduled for June 30th, marking the end of this year's efforts in this program.

Monthly Sandwich Making and Collection

Every last Thursday of the month, our parishioners gather to prepare sandwiches for St. Vincent dePaul in Middletown. After the morning Mass, volunteers, led by Jen O'Neill and funded by the Knights of Columbus, make sandwiches which are then collected by Doug Meyer in the evening. Doug delivers all the sandwiches to St. Vincent dePaul the following morning, ensuring that those in need receive fresh and nutritious meals.

Weekly Food Drive

To make donations more convenient, we moved our food and household collection to each weekend. Despite this change, the amount of donations has not significantly increased. We are considering placing a collection basket in the vestibule for single cans to make it easier for donors, though space constraints are a concern. John Noel, who manages these donations, continues to support the food bank both as a volunteer and board member.

Journey Home - Filling an Easter "Basket"

During Lent, parishioners had the opportunity to fill an Easter "basket" with household cleaning or laundry supplies for Journey Home patrons. This initiative, spearheaded by Donna Sawan, was a great success and received praise from Journey Home as a meaningful Lenten service offering.

St. Vincent dePaul Sunday Supper

On April 21st, our parish prepared, delivered, and served a Sunday meal to over 80 patrons at St. Vincent dePaul. Managed initially by Paulette and now by Nancy Gianetti, this large project involves many parishioners. Nancy is creating an operational binder to facilitate future efforts. Our next Sunday Supper will be on September 29th.

Caring Families - Baby Shower & Hosted Speaker

We are currently hosting a baby shower to support young mothers associated with Caring Families, a faith-based pregnancy support organization. Recently, Pieter Nijssen from Caring Families spoke to our parishioners about the organization's mission and how we can help. This initiative includes collecting and delivering items to support young mothers and their babies.

Upcoming Initiatives

Before our next meeting in September, we plan to:

  • Complete the baby shower and deliver the items to Caring Families.
  • Participate in the June Drive-Thru Café.
  • Coordinate a donation drive for backpacks and school supplies in July.
  • Organize a Journey Home collection for household goods, linens, and furniture in August.

We are always welcoming new members. No amount of participation is too small. Call our Parish office at 860-295-0001 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Outreach, Service & Social Justice Opportunities

🍞 Marlborough Food Bank 
Non-perishable food, personal care items and household cleaning supplies are now accepted weekly at any Mass. Bags may be placed to the right of the altar. If there is a specific need, we will mention it in the bulletin or check out the food bank directly at

St. John Fisher Parish Vision:

We are a beacon of God’s gracious and merciful love as we glorify His name through service to others; devotion to His teachings and His Son Jesus; and by maintaining a welcoming, accepting and embracing Catholic community of faith that judges none, embraces and protects the vulnerable, builds community of all ages and life stages and acts for the greater Glory of God.

St. John Fisher Parish Mission:

We provide an open, welcoming and active Catholic faith community that is inspired by the gifts of the Holy Spirit as we demonstrate our faith by (1) actively participating in Mass and the Sacraments, (2) by serving and ministering to others, (3) by exploring and sharing the Word and teachings of Jesus and (4) by openly embracing the various needs of our entire parish family and broader community in Christ. 

OLG Logo 150Our Online Giving system now is also an App for Apple and Android products! You can download it for free in the App Store, Google Play Store or CLICK HERE. If you are new to Online Giving, register by entering our church ID of 1239.

How To Report An Incident Of Sexual Abuse To The Archdiocese Of Hartford

Faith Vos Winkel, MSW
Victim Assistance Coordinator 

Click here to download more information